homo milk

< homogenized milk
DCHP-2 (Oct 2016)

Spelling variants:
homo, Homo milk

n. Food & Drink

milk with a fat content of 3.25 per cent; whole milk.

Type: 2. Preservation The term homo milk is a clipping of “homogenized milk” and refers to milk with a butterfat content of 3.25 per cent. The term’s full form, “homogenized milk”, is arguably a preservation from British English, attested in OED-3 as early as 1904 (see OED-3, s.v. “homogenized” (1b)). Homo in reference to milk is attested in two dictionaries (see Gage-5, s.v. “homo” (n)(2) and COD-2, s.v. “homo” (n)(2)). Although these two dictionaries document the term under the headword of “homo”, attestations suggest that the term is more commonly homo milk, at least in writing. As seen in Chart 1, the term is most frequently used in Canada. Originally this word meant milk which had undergone homogenization (with the fat mixed in); in Canada, it has come to mean milk which contains full fat as opposed to reduced-fat or skim milk. The term is most frequent in Canada (see Chart 1).
As evidenced in Image 1, homo milk has undergone enregisterment (Agha 2006: 55) as a typical Canadian linguistic item in popular culture, which means, put simply, that the term has come to be associated with a social context, in this case with the Canadian nation. Homo, slang for homosexual, is jokingly referenced in both the 1988 quotation and in the hot pink of the button in Image 1.
See also COD-2, s.v. "homo" (n)(2), which is marked "Cdn" and Gage-5, s.v. "homo" (n)(2), which is marked "Can. Informal".


Whenever you feel the need of a snack - try a glass of CREAMY RICH ECD WHOLESOME 5% HOMO MILK or CHOCOLATE FLAVORED DAIRY DRINK
We're happy that we can sell 2% All-Jersey Homo milk at 2c. less than standard milk. Enjoy All-Jersey quality and save
With this coupon (HOMO MILK - 3 qt. Jug 67¢) 2% MILK 3-Quart JUG 62¢
Average 1980 selling price for detached house (through multiple listings) $93,400 $51,000 $75,694 $47,600 ($40,000 U.S.) Typical property taxes for detached house $611 $920 $918 $1,309 ($1,100 U.S.) FOOD (All regular prices checked at Safeway stores) One litre homo milk .66 .68 .74 .78 (.60 U.S. quart)
While shopping recently, we were very disturbed to see milk with the word "homo" written on the carton in large letters. There were many such cartons on display, and they were positioned where they could easily be seen by young children. We are very concerned about the effect this could have on the morals of the young people of this province. In addition, as springtime has arrived on the coast, and with so much greenery and flowers "coming out," we are further distressed at this open display of immorality.
Coffee is still holding its own as the top U.S. beverage drink, but consumption has dropped 11 per cent over the past five years. And milk drinkers now choose 2 per cent more often than homo milk.
Why not start off by making three simple changes in your diet? Once you've mastered these, take on three more. Some ideas: switch from homo milk to 2 per cent and eventually to 1 per cent; cut out the butter on sandwiches (mustard or a thin spread of light mayonnaise will do the trick); if you're still hooked on white bread, now's the time to make a switch to whole wheat; or if you still take cream in your coffee, wean yourself by using homo or evaporated milk in coffee or tea only.
I don't enjoy coffee black or with one- or 2-per-cent milk, but I'm quite happy with homo milk instead of cream. I figure this choice spares me up to 10 extra grams of fat a day.
"Homo" milk debate heats up as family groups denounce dairy industry.
A Canadian should know that what we call homo milk is for everyone.
But if you do decide to rejoice with a baguette slathered with butter, remember that full-fat dairy products are almost invariably higher in calories than their lower-fat counterparts (for example, a glass of homo, or 3.25% milk, provides about double the calories of skim milk), so portion control is vital if you hope to be wearing the same teeny tiny bikini this time next summer.
When they returned, Ari was putting things away. He held up a slender red carton. "This is only 3.25 per cent," he said calmly. I glanced up from my computer. "Yeah, homo milk."


  • Neilson Dairy
  • COD-2
  • Gage-5
  • OED-3
  • Agha (2006)


        Image 1: Button for <i>homo milk</i>. Photo: S. Dollinger Jan. 2016.

Image 1: Button for homo milk. Photo: S. Dollinger Jan. 2016.

        Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 14 Nov. 2012

Chart 1: Internet Domain Search, 14 Nov. 2012